PERT Reading Study Guide: Details

This section of our PERT study guide will narrow our focus from the main idea of a passage to its details. We will define what details are and examine how to approach questions about details on the reading test.

What are Details?

In reading and writing, details are the pieces of evidence, information, and argument that back up the main idea. They may be specific or broad; they may emphasize the point of just one paragraph in a passage or the passage as a whole.

How to Approach Detail Questions

Follow these four techniques when you encounter a question that is asking about specific details in a passage.

Carefully Read the Question

  • Specificity: Detail questions are easy to identify because they ask about specific information directly stated in the passage. These questions often begin with phrases like “According to the passage…” or “What does the author state about…”.
  • Clarify the focus: Make sure you clearly understand what the question is asking. Are you looking for a fact, an example, or an explanation from the passage?

Find and Underline Keywords

  • Locate keywords in the passage: Once you know what specific information you’re looking for, scan the passage for the keywords or phrases that directly relate to the question. For example, if the question is about “pollinators,” scan for that word, its synonyms, or related words (e.g. bees, butterflies).
  • Pay attention to synonymous terms: Sometimes, the wording of the question might not match the text exactly but rather use synonyms or rephrased versions of the information.

Verify the Answer Using Exact Wording

  • Re-read the surrounding text: Once you find the section containing the keyword, read the full sentence and a few sentences before and after. This ensures you understand the context and avoids misinterpreting the information.
  • Match the exact statement: Detail questions are based on information that’s explicitly stated in the passage. If the answer requires any assumptions or interpretation, it’s likely incorrect.

Beware of Distractors and Traps

  • Partially correct answers: Some answer choices may contain accurate information but include extra details not mentioned in the passage. These are traps, and you should avoid them by focusing only on what’s explicitly stated.
  • Extreme or irrelevant options: Eliminate choices that seem extreme or go beyond what the passage discusses.

Key Tip: The right answer will always be a direct reflection of something mentioned in the text. Don’t infer or read between the lines—stay grounded in the passage itself.

Details Review Test